How Much Liquid Chlorine to Add to Pool

outdoors swimming pool reflecting clear blue sky
Photo by Jill Burrow on

To determine how much liquid chlorine to add to your pool, you need to consider the current chlorine levels, desired chlorine levels, and the size of your pool.

The general formula for calculating the amount of liquid chlorine to add is:

\text{{Weight of liquid chlorine in ounces}} = (\text{{Desired ppm}} – \text{{Current ppm}}) \times (\text{{pool volume}} / 1,000) \times 0.13 \times 8

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you calculate the amount of liquid chlorine needed:

  1. Test the current chlorine levels in your pool using a reliable test kit. The ideal range for free chlorine is 2-5 ppm.
  2. Determine the desired chlorine levels based on your pool’s usage and conditions. For regular maintenance, a free chlorine level of 2-5 ppm is recommended.
  3. Calculate your pool’s volume in gallons. You can use online calculators or consult your pool’s documentation for this information.
  4. Plug the values into the formula to calculate the weight of liquid chlorine in ounces needed to achieve the desired chlorine levels.
  5. Check the concentration of your liquid chlorine solution, which is usually between 10-12.5%. Adjust the amount of liquid chlorine needed accordingly.
  6. Add the calculated amount of liquid chlorine to your pool. You can do this by pouring it directly into the water or using a chlorinator, depending on your pool’s setup.

Remember to always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and safety guidelines when handling and adding chemicals to your pool.


In summary, to determine the amount of liquid chlorine to add to your pool, use the formula: Weight of liquid chlorine in ounces = (Desired ppm – Current ppm) x (pool volume / 1,000) x 0.13 x 8. Test current chlorine levels, decide on desired levels, calculate pool volume, and adjust for chlorine concentration. Always follow safety guidelines and manufacturer’s instructions.

FAQ: Liquid Chlorine for Pools

How many Litres of liquid chlorine do I add to my pool?
The amount varies based on pool size and chlorine concentration. Typically, for a 10,000 Litre pool, you might add 200-400 ml of 12.5% liquid chlorine to achieve a 2-4 ppm increase. Always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions and test your pool’s chlorine levels before adding.

Can I add liquid chlorine directly to pool?
Yes, you can add liquid chlorine directly to the pool. Pour it slowly in front of a return jet to help disperse it. Always add chlorine to water, never water to chlorine.

How much liquid chlorine do I add to a 50000 Litre pool?
To increase the chlorine level by 2-4 ppm in a 50,000 Litre pool, you might add 1-2 Litres of 12.5% liquid chlorine. However, always test the pool’s chlorine levels and refer to the manufacturer’s instructions before adding.

How much chlorine do I need for a 1000 Litre pool?
For a 1,000 Litre pool, to achieve a 2-4 ppm increase, you might add 20-40 ml of 12.5% liquid chlorine. Always test and refer to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Note: These are general guidelines. Pool conditions, sunlight exposure, and usage can affect chlorine demand. Always test your pool water regularly and adjust as needed.

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