How to Clean Merrell Suede Shoes (Ultimate Guide)

Clean Merrell Suede Shoes

Merrell suede shoes are renowned for their style and comfort. Whether you’re hiking, walking in the city, or simply enjoying the great outdoors, keeping your Merrell suede shoes clean and well-maintained is essential to ensure they look their best and last for years. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through every step of the process to clean and care for your Merrell suede shoes, maintaining their quality and style.

Can Merrell suede shoes be machine washed?

Merrell suede shoes should not be machine washed. The intense water exposure and agitation in a washing machine can damage the suede’s texture and integrity. Stick to manual cleaning methods specifically designed for suede.

Can I Clean Merrell Suede Shoes

Yes, you can clean Merrell suede shoes, but it’s important to use the right method to avoid damaging the suede. Typically, this involves using a special suede brush to gently remove dirt and a suede cleaner for tougher stains.

Avoid using water if it possible as it can damage the suede material. It’s always best to check the manufacturer’s instructions or consult with a professional for specific care advice for your shoes.

Can I Clean Merrell Suede Shoes with Water

Cleaning Merrell suede shoes with water is not recommended as it can damage the suede material. Suede is a delicate material that can become discolored or lose its texture when wet. Instead, use a dry suede brush to remove dirt and a specialized suede cleaner for tougher stains.

If you must use water, do so sparingly and with caution, ideally with a damp cloth and without soaking the shoes. Always allow the shoes to dry naturally away from direct heat sources.

Cleaning Merrell suede shoes properly requires careful attention to avoid damaging the material. Here’s a preparative guide:

What Materials & Toolkits You’ll Need

ToolWhat’s it forProduct on Amazon
1Suede BrushTo gently brush away surface dirt.Page Link
2Suede EraserTo remove tough stains.Page Link
3Mild DetergentFor deep cleaning.Page Link
4Soft Cloth or SpongeTo apply the detergent.Page Link
5WaterPreferably distilled to avoid stains. For outsole.
6TowelFor drying and blotting.Page Link
7Suede Protector SprayFor post-cleaning protection.Page Link
table of materials and kits used for cleaning suede Merrell boots.

How do I clean my Merrell hiking shoes? Quick Cleaning Steps

1. Preparation

  • Remove laces to clean them separately.
  • Use a suede brush to gently brush off any loose dirt or debris.

2. Spot Cleaning

  • For scuffs or deeper stains, use a suede eraser. Rub gently until the stain lifts.

3. Deep Cleaning

  • Mix a small amount of mild detergent with water.
  • Dip a soft cloth or sponge into the solution, and wring it out so it’s damp, not wet.
  • Gently dab the shoes with the cloth or sponge. Avoid rubbing hard as it can damage the suede.
  • Focus on areas that are particularly dirty.

4. Rinsing

  • Use a clean, damp cloth to remove any soap residue.
  • Be careful not to soak the shoes.

5. Drying

  • Pat the shoes with a towel to remove excess moisture.
  • Stuff the shoes with paper to maintain their shape.
  • Let them air dry away from direct heat or sunlight.

6. Post-Cleaning Care

  • Once dry, brush the suede lightly to restore its nap.
  • Apply a suede protector spray to help repel future dirt and stains.


  • Test any cleaner on a small area first.
  • Never use heat to dry suede shoes as it can cause damage.
  • Regular brushing can help maintain the look and life of your suede shoes.

By following these steps, you can effectively clean your Merrell suede shoes without causing damage, keeping them looking great for longer. Remember, suede is a delicate material, so gentle handling is key.

How to Clean Merrell Suede Shoes: In-depth Step-by-Step Guide

1. Preparation for Cleaning Merrell Suede Shoes

Understanding Suede

Before you begin the cleaning process, it’s important to understand that suede is a delicate material. It’s made from the underside of the animal skin, which gives it a soft texture but also makes it more vulnerable to damage. This sensitivity to water and abrasion necessitates a gentle approach.

Tools You Need

  • Suede Brush: This special brush has soft bristles designed specifically for suede. It’s essential for removing surface dirt without damaging the nap of the suede.

Initial Steps

  1. Remove Laces: Take out the laces to ensure you can clean every part of the shoe. This step is often overlooked but is crucial for thorough cleaning. You can wash the laces separately in a mild detergent solution.
  2. Brush Off Loose Dirt:
    • Choose the Right Environment: Find a clean, flat surface to work on. Make sure the area is well-lit so you can see the dirt and stains clearly.
    • Use the Suede Brush Correctly: Gently brush the shoes in one direction. This helps lift the nap and remove dust and dirt. Avoid vigorous back-and-forth motions as they can damage the suede.
    • Focus on Dry Dirt: At this stage, you should only target dry dirt and debris. Don’t attempt to remove stains or wet spots yet.

Why This Step Matters

This initial preparation is crucial for two reasons:

  1. Prevents Further Stains: By removing surface dirt, you ensure that when you move to wet cleaning, you’re not rubbing this dirt deeper into the suede.
  2. Protects the Suede’s Texture: Gentle brushing maintains the suede’s characteristic texture, keeping your shoes looking their best.

Tips and Tricks

  • Consistency in Brushing: Always brush in the same direction for an even look.
  • Regular Maintenance: Even when not cleaning, regularly brushing your suede shoes can prevent dirt buildup and extend their life.
  • Invest in a Good Brush: A high-quality suede brush is a small investment that pays off in the long run.

By following these preparation steps, you’re setting the stage for a successful and safe cleaning process. Your Merrell suede shoes deserve this care to maintain their look and durability.

2. Spot Cleaning Merrell Suede Shoes

Understanding Spot Cleaning

Spot cleaning is a targeted approach to remove specific stains or marks from your suede shoes. This step is crucial because suede can easily be ruined by improper stain removal techniques.

Tools You Need

  • Suede Eraser: This is a special cleaning tool designed to remove marks and stains from suede without using water. It’s similar to a pencil eraser but made specifically for suede.

Effective Spot Cleaning Steps

  1. Identify the Stain: First, closely examine your shoes to locate all the stains. Different types of stains might require slightly different approaches.
  2. Gently Rub with a Suede Eraser:
    • Soft Pressure: Gently rub the suede eraser over the stain. The key is to use soft, even pressure to lift the stain without damaging the suede.
    • Directional Rubbing: Rub in one direction to maintain the suede’s nap consistency. If the stain doesn’t lift, you can try rubbing in a different direction, but always be gentle.
  3. Brush Away Residue:
    • After using the suede eraser, there might be some residue left on the shoe. Use your suede brush to gently remove this.

Why Spot Cleaning is Important

Spot cleaning allows you to address specific problem areas without having to subject the entire shoe to cleaning. This is important for suede, as over-cleaning or excessive moisture can ruin the material.

Tips and Tricks

  • Test First: Before using the suede eraser on a visible part of the shoe, test it on a small, inconspicuous area.
  • Be Patient: Some stains may require multiple gentle attempts to fully remove. Don’t be tempted to increase pressure, as this can damage the suede.
  • Regular Inspection: Regularly inspect your suede shoes for stains. The sooner you spot clean, the easier it is to remove the stain.

Spot cleaning is a critical step in maintaining the pristine condition of your Merrell suede shoes. It’s a powerful method for tackling tough spots while preserving the delicate nature of the suede.

3. Deep Cleaning Merrell Suede Shoes

The Importance of Deep Cleaning

Deep cleaning goes beyond surface cleaning, targeting ingrained dirt and stubborn stains. For Merrell suede shoes, it’s a delicate balance between thorough cleaning and preserving the material’s integrity.

Tools and Materials Needed

  • Mild Detergent: Choose a gentle, suede-safe detergent.
  • Soft Cloth or Sponge: A soft, non-abrasive cloth or sponge is essential to apply the cleaning solution without damaging the suede.
  • Water: Preferably distilled or soft water to avoid hard water stains.

Deep Cleaning Process

  1. Prepare the Cleaning Solution:
    • Mix a small amount of mild detergent with water in a bowl. The solution should be more water than soap.
  2. Gentle Application:
    • Dip the cloth or sponge into the solution and wring it out until it’s damp, not wet. Over-saturating the suede can cause damage.
    • Gently dab (don’t rub) the shoes with the cloth or sponge. Focus on areas that are dirty, but avoid soaking any part of the shoe.
  3. Rinse Off Soap:
    • After cleaning, use a clean, damp cloth to wipe off any soap residue. Again, ensure the cloth is just damp.
  4. Blotting Out Excess Moisture:
    • Use a dry towel to gently blot the shoes and remove excess moisture. Don’t rub; just press lightly.

Why Deep Cleaning Matters

Deep cleaning removes the dirt and grime that regular brushing can’t. It rejuvenates the appearance of your suede shoes and can significantly extend their lifespan.

Tips and Tricks

  • Test the Solution: Always test the detergent solution on a small, hidden area first to ensure it doesn’t damage the suede.
  • Avoid Direct Water Streams: Never pour water directly onto suede. It can cause spotting and irreversible damage.
  • Uniform Cleaning: Even if only one area is dirty, clean the entire shoe to avoid uneven color and texture.

Deep cleaning your Merrell suede shoes is a crucial step in maintaining their appearance and longevity. It requires patience and gentle handling but is well worth the effort to keep your shoes looking their best.

4. Rinsing Merrell Suede Shoes

The Purpose of Rinsing

After deep cleaning your suede shoes, rinsing is essential to remove any soap residue. This step ensures that the suede remains soft and its texture unaltered.

Materials Needed

  • Clean, Damp Cloth: A soft cloth lightly moistened with water is the key tool for this process.

Rinsing Steps

  1. Prepare Your Cloth:
    • Soak a clean cloth in water and then wring it out thoroughly. The cloth should be damp, not wet. Excess water can saturate the suede and cause damage.
  2. Gentle Wiping:
    • Gently wipe the surface of your suede shoes with the damp cloth. The goal is to lightly skim the surface, not to soak it.
    • Work in sections, ensuring that you cover the entire shoe. Pay special attention to areas where soap was applied.
  3. Repeat if Necessary:
    • If you notice suds or residue, you may need to rinse out the cloth and repeat the wiping process. Always ensure the cloth is just damp each time.

Importance of Proper Rinsing

  • Prevents Soap Build-up: Residual detergent can attract more dirt and harden the suede.
  • Maintains Suede Texture: Proper rinsing helps to preserve the natural softness and nap of the suede.

Tips and Tricks

  • Avoid Direct Water Application: Never pour water directly onto your suede shoes. Always use a damp cloth.
  • Uniform Rinsing: Make sure to wipe every part of the shoe to prevent uneven texture or water spots.
  • Regular Water Changes: If rinsing multiple times, change the water to ensure it’s clean.

Rinsing your suede shoes correctly is a critical step in the cleaning process. It’s about removing the last traces of detergent while preserving the shoe’s delicate material.

5. Drying Merrell Suede Shoes

Understanding the Drying Process

Proper drying is crucial for suede shoes because this material is particularly sensitive to water damage. The drying process should be gentle to prevent shrinking, stiffening, or warping of the suede.

Tools Needed

  • Towel: A soft, absorbent towel for blotting out moisture.
  • Paper or Shoe Tree: To help the shoes maintain their shape while drying.

Drying Steps

  1. Blot Excess Moisture:
    • Use a soft towel to gently blot the surface of the shoes. The aim is to remove as much moisture as possible without rubbing the suede. Press the towel against the shoes and hold for a few seconds to absorb the water.
  2. Shape the Shoes:
    • Insert crumpled paper or a shoe tree into each shoe. This helps the shoe maintain its shape as it dries. Avoid using newspaper, as the ink can bleed onto the suede.
  3. Air Drying:
    • Place the shoes in a well-ventilated area away from direct heat and sunlight. Direct heat can cause the suede to crack or fade.
    • Allow the shoes to dry naturally. This process may take several hours or even a full day, depending on the humidity and temperature.

Why Proper Drying Matters

  • Prevents Damage: Incorrect drying can ruin the texture and shape of suede shoes.
  • Maintains Appearance: Gentle, even drying ensures that the suede remains soft and its color stays true.

Tips and Tricks

  • Avoid Direct Heat Sources: Never use a hairdryer or place the shoes near a heater. High heat can damage suede.
  • Rotate the Shoes: Periodically rotate the shoes during drying to ensure they dry evenly.
  • Change the Paper if Necessary: If the paper inside the shoes becomes too damp, replace it with dry paper to continue absorbing moisture.

Drying your suede shoes correctly is essential to maintain their quality and longevity. Patience is key; letting them dry naturally ensures the best results.

6. Post-Cleaning Care for Merrell Suede Shoes

The Importance of Post-Cleaning Care

After cleaning and drying your suede shoes, post-cleaning care is essential to maintain their condition and extend their lifespan. This step involves restoring the suede’s texture and applying protective measures.

Tools and Materials Needed

  • Suede Brush: For brushing the suede to restore its nap.
  • Suede Protector Spray: To shield the suede from future stains and water damage.

Post-Cleaning Steps

  1. Brushing the Suede:
    • Once your shoes are completely dry, take the suede brush and gently brush the surface.
    • This action helps to lift the nap, restoring the suede’s natural soft and fuzzy texture.
    • Brush in a single direction for a uniform appearance.
  2. Applying Suede Protector:
    • Choose a high-quality suede protector spray. This will help to repel water and prevent future stains.
    • Spray the protector evenly over the surface of the shoes, maintaining a distance of about 6 inches to ensure even coverage.
    • Allow the shoes to dry after the application as per the instructions on the protector spray.

Why Post-Cleaning Care is Crucial

  • Texture Maintenance: Brushing the suede after cleaning revives its distinctive texture.
  • Future Protection: Using a suede protector helps to guard against the elements and everyday wear, making your shoes more durable and easier to clean in the future.

Tips and Tricks

  • Regular Brushing: Even when not cleaning, regularly brushing your suede shoes can keep them looking great.
  • Avoid Over-application: When applying the protector spray, don’t saturate the shoes. A light, even coat is sufficient.
  • Test the Protector Spray: Always test the spray on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure it doesn’t affect the color or texture of the suede.

By following these post-cleaning care steps, you ensure that your Merrell suede shoes remain in top condition, ready to face whatever your day brings.

Frequently Asked Questions: Q&A

What is the best method to clean Merrell suede shoes?

The best method to clean Merrell suede shoes involves gently brushing off any loose dirt or debris with a soft suede brush. For tougher stains, use a suede eraser or a small amount of white vinegar on a cloth, gently rubbing the affected area. It’s important to avoid soaking the shoes, as suede is sensitive to water. After cleaning, allow the shoes to air dry away from direct heat or sunlight.

Can I use water to clean my Merrell suede shoes?

It’s generally not recommended to use water to clean Merrell suede shoes, as water can damage suede material, causing it to lose its texture and color. If necessary, use a minimal amount of water and immediately blot it with a dry cloth. For better results, specialized suede cleaners that are water-free are recommended.

What products are recommended for cleaning Merrell suede shoes?

For cleaning Merrell suede shoes, use a soft suede brush to remove surface dirt and a suede eraser for tougher stains.

Specialized suede cleaners, available in spray or liquid form, can also be used for more thorough cleaning. Avoid using harsh chemicals or household cleaners, as they can damage the suede.

How often should I clean my Merrell suede shoes?

Merrell suede shoes should be cleaned as needed, depending on how often they are worn and the conditions they are exposed to. For regular upkeep, brushing them after each use helps maintain their appearance. A more thorough cleaning may be required every few months or after exposure to harsh conditions.

Is it safe to use a brush on Merrell suede shoes during cleaning?

Yes, it’s safe to use a brush on Merrell suede shoes during cleaning. Use a soft-bristled suede brush to gently remove surface dirt and debris. Avoid using stiff brushes or any tool that might be too abrasive, as this can damage the suede’s delicate surface.

Are there any specific techniques to remove stains from Merrell suede shoes?

To remove stains from Merrell suede shoes, gently rub a suede eraser over the stained area. For persistent stains, apply a small amount of white vinegar or suede cleaner on a clean cloth and rub gently. Always test any product on a small, inconspicuous area first and avoid applying too much pressure.

How do I dry Merrell suede shoes after cleaning them?

After cleaning Merrell suede shoes, let them air dry naturally at room temperature. Avoid direct heat sources like radiators or hairdryers, as these can cause the suede to shrink, warp, or crack. You can stuff the shoes with paper towels or a shoe tree to maintain their shape while drying.

Is there a way to protect Merrell suede shoes from getting dirty?

To protect Merrell suede shoes from getting dirty, apply a suede protector spray, which provides a water and stain-repellent layer. Do this regularly, especially after cleaning or when the shoes are new. Also, try to avoid wearing them in wet or muddy conditions.

What should I avoid when cleaning Merrell suede shoes?

When cleaning Merrell suede shoes, avoid using direct water, harsh detergents, and abrasive brushes. Don’t force dry them with heat, as this can damage the material. Also, avoid using any oil-based products, as they can create stains that are difficult to remove.

How do you clean Merrell Suede Jungle Mocs?

To clean Merrell Suede Jungle Mocs, first remove any loose dirt with a soft-bristled brush. For stains, use a suede cleaner or a mild soap solution, applying it gently with a soft cloth or sponge. Avoid soaking the shoes. After cleaning, let them air dry away from direct heat or sunlight. To maintain their appearance, use a suede protector spray once they are dry.

Can All Merrell shoes be washed?

Merrell shoes, depending on their material, can often be cleaned with water. It’s important to avoid machine washing as it can damage the shoes. Instead, hand wash them using mild soap and water, focusing on soiled areas. Rinse thoroughly and air dry. Always check the care instructions specific to your Merrell shoes for the best cleaning method.

Are Merrells real leather?

Many Merrell shoes are made with real leather, especially their hiking boots and casual footwear. However, Merrell also offers a range of shoes made from synthetic materials for those who prefer non-leather options. The product descriptions typically specify the materials used, so you can check whether a particular Merrell shoe is made from real leather or not.


Cleaning and caring for your Merrell suede shoes is a simple yet essential process to keep them looking stylish and comfortable for a long time. Regular maintenance ensures they stay in pristine condition and ready for your next adventure. Follow this ultimate guide, and you’ll be able to enjoy your Merrell suede shoes for many more journeys and experiences.

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