How to see who liked your Spotify playlist

You’ve spent hours creating that perfect playlist, and then all of the sudden, someone comes along and shares the exact same one with 1 million more people. It’s kind of like getting a public review from your favorite musician — except instead of just hearing it from them, you get to see it first hand.

But how do you know for sure if your fans like the music you posted or not? You can simply ask by looking at their social media profiles or look at their Spotify playlists to see who’s been streaming your songs.

But what if you want to find out for sure? Well, here are some helpful tips on how to see who liked your Spotify playlist so that you can post something fresh next time around.

How to see who liked your Spotify playlist

Unfortunately, you cannot utilize that number to determine which people enjoyed the playlist. For example, tapping on the like count would result in nothing.

While there is no way to know who enjoyed your Spotify playlist, some users check their followers to see if someone new has joined the list.

Alternative tips and ways to track and promote Spotify playlists

Spotify playlists are an essential tool for any marketer looking to expand their audience. With over a billion playlists created by users each month, it’s easy to see why. As Spotify continues to grow, so too has the volume of information available about playlists. This makes it easier than ever for marketers to target specific audiences using Spotify data.

With that being said, there’s still plenty of room for improvement when it comes to how marketers use and promote Spotify playlists. The company recently announced several changes that will be effecting how existing and new ads appear in playlists.

So, what can marketers do to stay on track with their strategies? Let’s take a look at some tips and tricks that can help you monitor and promote your Spotify playlist ads more effectively:

Try some different strategies first

Sometimes, you’re stuck with a song because it’s the only one that fits the mood of the song you’re working on. If you’re in the midst of recording a new track and you know that a certain playlist Cargo Copenhagen sent you is the perfect song for it, then great! If not, then it’s probably better to post something new.

If you’re in a spot where you know there are no more new songs to post, then you can simply delete the old one and start a new one from scratch. This is a good idea if you’re trying to make room for new music on your Spotify playlists. But what if you don’t know what to post next? There are a few strategies you can try first.

Check your analytics

Open your Spotify app and look at the top tracks on the home page. If there’s a big red tick next to one of your playlists, then someone has been listening to it a lot. And that’s actually a really good thing because it means that your listeners are engaged with the music and finding it interesting.

If there are no new playlists in your top 10, then it’s probably not worth your time to make another one just to see if someone likes it. But what if your listeners are just starting to discover your music? Well, you may want to consider making a new playlist to see what other people are listening to.

Ask your followers to do the same

If you normally make playlists and you notice that a few of your followers are popular on social media, then it may be a good idea to post a similar one on their behalf.

This probably won’t increase your followers by 100 percent, but at least you’ll get some new followers in the process. Now, this doesn’t guarantee that your follower will like your new playlist, but it’s worth a shot.

Record your next song and post it on Spotify immediately

Not only does this allow you to see what your new followers like, it also gives you a chance to see if anyone else is listening too. Most social media platforms will let you “like” or “shares” a post, but Spotify’s algorithm is still in charge of what’s playing and available for listening.

So, when you have a new song that you’re excited about posting and someone else is also excited about it, you can simply ask them to “stream” your song and see if they like it too. If they do, then you have a better chance of seeing it on the platform.

Do a little bit of lead-generation before you start looking

When you’re looking to find new followers and listeners, you can try some lead-generation techniques. Lead generation is the process of trying to get people to become interested in your brand or product by appealing to their needs and desires.

This can include sending emails and texts with offers and discount codes, giving away free stuff, or hosting meetups or events. If you have a small business, lead generation could mean the difference between having a few customers and having a ton of them.

So, before you start looking for people to follow, you could try creating a sign-up form or a free trial offer. This way, you can get people excited about your brand and product and potentially sign them up for your premium subscription.

Identify what made your last few playlists so popular

As you were just trying out some lead-generation techniques, it’s probably not a big surprise that you discovered that the majority of your followers are already on your most popular playlists.

So, what made those previous playlists so popular? To answer that, you’ll need to look at the most successful playlists on Spotify and see what makes them popular. If there are any common themes between your most popular playlists, then you may be able to “grow” your following even more by re-posting them on a wider range of platforms.


If you’ve been posting Spotify playlists on a consistent basis for the past few months, you’re probably starting to notice a difference in your followers. If not, then you can take heart in the fact that you’re already doing a great job and that most of your followers probably don’t even realize how popular your playlists are. Keep at it, and one day you’ll be sharing your music with the world and you’ll be glad you persevered.

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