How To Start A Beauty Blog And Make Money!

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Do you ever wonder how to start a beauty blog and make money? This guide will give you the tips you need to get started today! Read on for more information. Are you a blogger looking to generate profits from your site? If so, this article is for you! Don’t just take my word for it; check out my top-notch ranking of this post by clicking here. It’s time that every blogger out there knows how to start a beauty blog and make money!

What is a beauty blog?

A beauty blog is a website dedicated to beauty and fashion related topics. They are often created by women and are often a part of a larger ecosystem of websites dedicated to a specific beauty niche. As the name suggests, a beauty blog is all about beauty and fashion – sometimes a little lifestyle advice, too. A successful beauty blog will have regular articles, videos, and photos related to beauty products, fashion, makeup, and lifestyle.

Pick a sub-category of the beauty field

After reading this entire guide, you’ll have the foundation and knowledge needed to select a sub-category of beauty that you’d like to target. Now, you need to find products that are similar to the ones you use so that you can write about them as well! In order to do this, look at other websites that are related to the beauty field you’re in and see what products they are featuring. Participate in forums and message board discussions, too. Talk to fellow bloggers, see what their sub-categories are and get inspired!

Purchase hosting and a domain name from Bluehost

Hire a domain name provider like or to purchase your domain name. Go to and use their free domain name registration service to create a website for your blog. Next, go to and sign up for a hosting account. Bluehost offers a ton of features, especially for bloggers. They have lots of options for blogging, from blogging on the cheap to blogging like a pro – it’s all at Bluehost! If you’re not a blogger yet, sign up for a free trial of Bluehost: It’s a steal at $12/month!

Install WordPress and start writing and publishing articles frequently

Since you’ll be hosting your blog on Bluehost, you need a website theme. There are plenty of themes to choose from, and each one is different from the next. You can theme your blog with No-BS themes that look good on any device, and they’re easy to customize too. is a great place to find thousands of themes, and you can search for themes by popular categories like beauty, fitness, home, etc. If you don’t know how to install WordPress, you can hire a professional to do it for you – there are lots of these online.

Make money through affiliate offers

When someone purchases a product through your website, you earn a commission. There are lots of different types of affiliate programs you can choose from, and you’ll want to make sure that the program you choose offers a good amount of profit. One example is Amazon’s Associates Program, under which you can earn cash when people buy books, videos, or other products from Amazon.

Make money through Google Adsense

Another is Google’s Adsense, which pays you when people click on ads that display on your website.

Google Adsense is another program where you can make money with your blog. Adsense is similar to Amazon’s program but pay for ad impressions and clicks. You can find a ton of information about them on the Google Adsense page.

Again, a variety of factors will influence your CPM. Nevertheless, regardless of the category, you’re in, the typical CPM ranges from $1 to $1.5 for every 1,000 impressions, which is pretty darned good, considering that you probably made cents from every impression when you first started!

If you’re interested in creating a beauty blog, be aware that you can put ads on your blog.

Make money selling e books & online courses

Many bloggers dream of someday selling their products online. It’s a great way to make some serious money and get some much-needed cash flow. There are a variety of different ways to sell online, and choosing the right course will help you get started. One excellent way to make money with your blog is to create an e-book or online course on a subject related to your blog. There are lots of different e-book and online course offerings, and you can choose the one that best aligns with your niche.

Make money selling beauty services (freelance, coaching, and consulting)

Many bloggers and website owners think that building a business around their blog is all about making money through affiliate offers and e-books. In fact, the revenue generated from these offers and e-books is very limited, and they have very little to no long-term impact on your blog’s success. A much better strategy is to find a service or product that you know and trust, and then offer it as a consulting or coaching service. You can charge $100 or $1,000 for these services, depending on the expertise you have, and they won’t cost you a single cent until someone pays you!


A great way to start making money with your blog is to pick a sub-category of the beauty field you’re in and purchase hosting and a domain name from Bluehost. Once you have these items, you’ll need to install WordPress and start writing and publishing articles frequently. Make sure to make money through affiliate offers, Google Adsense, and selling e-books and online courses.There are lots of ways to make money with a blog, and this guide is just the beginning. Now it’s time to get started!

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