How To Start A Blog On Instagram And Get Paid

How To Start A Blog On Instagram And Get Paid
Photo by Lisa Fotios on

When we first started blogging, it seemed like the simplest thing in the world. All you had to do was set up a blog, write for your readers, and connect with them through social media to keep them coming back for more. It’s simple, right? Wrong.

Creating a blog takes time and dedication from you and your team. You need to spend time researching topics that will inspire you so you can write content for your readers.

And then you need to spend time with your team doing quality research on how to connect with people on social media so they see your posts and come back for more. But how do you start a blog on Instagram? Trust us: It’s not as easy as it sounds!

[See >> How to Start a Blog: The Ultimate Guide]

What is a blog?

A blog is a type of online publication that someone can post articles in. It’s similar to an online magazine, but instead of it being a continuous flow of articles, it’s broken up into short articles. It’s usually written from a point of view and usually discusses topics related to your niche.

A blog is similar to a website in that you need to create one that people can find and read from. But it’s different from a website in one major way: It’s published on the internet rather than on a physical page.

Why Are People Starting Blogs?

Blogging is one of the fastest-growing industries online. In 2016, the global blogging industry will grow to a whopping $1.3 billion according to Statista. That’s growth of over 15% and an incredible increase in online revenue.

It’s no wonder that people are starting blogs. With the internet being such a powerful tool, there’s a lot you can do with it to help your business grow. And blogging is one of the best ways to do that.

With blogging, you have the ability to share your unique knowledge and expertise with the world. You can talk about what you know and help others learn new things too.

Finding Your Niche

When you’re just starting out, it can be hard to know what type of topic you want to cover. There are so many different topics you could cover, and you could go in so many different directions.

Finding a niche can be a daunting task, but it’s also quite important. Your niche is what your blog will be about. It’s what your articles will cover, and it’s where you’ll be able to find your readers and make money from them.

Your niche will help you decide on topics to cover, help you find your readers, and help you come up with a good name for your blog.

Decide If You Want To monetize your blog

If you want to monetize your blog, you’ll need to first decide if you want to earn money via ads or affiliate links. You can also monetize with both methods.

If you decide on affiliate links, you’ll need to decide if you want to offer gift cards or other experiences. The affiliate programs that offer gift cards will generally only allow you to mention the gift card in the post, while other programs allow you to mention the product or service in your post.

If you want to earn money from ads, you’ll need to determine the best method of generating revenue. There are two major ways to make money from your blog: affiliate ads and paid subscriptions.

Grow A Community On Instagram

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms. It’s a visual platform: photos and videos are shared, and people are able to explore a world of ideas through their feed.

When you start a blog on Instagram, you want to focus on growing your community.When you start a blog on Instagram, you want to focus on growing your community.

You want your readers to become your followers, and you want them to start following other people as well.You can do this by creating helpful, inspiring, and useful content.

You can also share things that other people in your niche post so you can build relationships with other people in your community.

You can also use Instagram Stories to show your readers what you’re up to. You can create a series on Instagram Stories where you share tips, tutorials, and helpful content for your readers.

You can also use Instagram Stories to post behind-the-scenes content from your business.

Make Money From Blogging On Instagram

When you start a blog on Instagram, you want to make sure you’re doing all you can to grow your readers and make money from them. One way to do this is to create helpful, inspiring, and useful content.

You can also share things that other people in your niche post so you can build relationships with other people in your community. You can also use Instagram Stories to show your readers what you’re up to.

You can create a series on Instagram Stories where you share tips, tutorials, and helpful content for your readers. You can also use Instagram Stories to post behind-the-scenes content from your business.

Can I make money with a personal blog on Instagram?

Yes! You can use your personal blog to grow your readers and make money from them through affiliate links, paid subscriptions, and paid products.

You can use your personal blog to grow your readers and make money from them through affiliate links, paid subscriptions, and paid products. One way to do this is by creating helpful, inspiring, and useful content.

You can share things that other people in your niche post so you can build relationships with other people in your community. You can also use Instagram Stories to show your readers what you’re up to.

Does Instagram pay money for posts?

No one is 100% sure if Instagram will start paying for posts. There have been rumors floating around for a while that Instagram is testing paid posts, but they’ve never confirmed this. Back when Instagram first launched, many people were posting their content and then hoping to get noticed. While Instagram did start showing some ads, they didn’t start paying for posts until 2017, which was later than most social media platforms.

Instagram did confirm that they will start showing ads in their app, but they haven’t confirmed anything about creating ads for posts yet.

Can you affiliate market on Instagram?

Yes! You can use your personal blog to grow your readers and make money from them through affiliate links, paid subscriptions, and paid products.

You can use your personal blog to grow your readers and make money from them through affiliate links, paid subscriptions, and paid products. One way to do this is by creating helpful, inspiring, and useful content.You can share things that other people in your niche post so you can build relationships with other people in your community. You can also use Instagram Stories to show your readers what you’re up to.


There’s no question that starting a blog is hard work. It takes time, dedication, and effort to create content that people want to read. But with practice, you can become a better blogger and grow a successful online business.

The best way to start is to find a topic that interests you and figure out how to research topics to write about. You can also ask your readers for ideas, look at what other bloggers are doing, or just ask yourself what you’d like to read.

Start building your blog with quality content, and you’ll be on your way to becoming a successful blogger.

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