The Ultimate List of Cloud Hosting Providers For Beginners and Pros

The Ultimate List of Cloud Hosting Providers For Beginners and Pros
Photo by Darlene Alderson on

Whether you’re a new blogger or an experienced professional, blogging can be a great way to share your ideas and thoughts with the world. However, for it to be successful, you need to have the right tools at your disposal. That includes having the right blog hosting platform as well.

With the constantly growing demand for more space, privacy, and security from website owners, there are many options available when it comes to choosing a cloud hosting provider. Luckily though, it’s not that complicated once you understand the pros and cons of each one.

Moreover, this guide will help you narrow down your choices so that you can find an excellent provider that fits your needs. The following list will provide you with everything you need to know about choosing a reliable blog host.

What is a blog hosting platform?

Blog hosting platforms are critical for any blogger because they are the tools you use to publish content on the internet. They are what allow you to publish and store your blog content online.

There are many different platforms out there and they each have certain advantages and disadvantages. Which one you choose will largely depend on the type of blog you plan to create.

Different hosting platforms are also used to host different types of blogs. For example, WordPress is very common in the online publishing world, but it is mostly used to host blogs.

On the other hand, Squarespace and other similar platforms are used to create more complex websites that can be printed and distributed to the public.

What to look for in a reliable blog host?

– Security:

Your blog is an extension of your brand. Therefore, it is critical that your visitors have a safe, secure experience when visiting your site.

– Backups:

This is especially important for those who use their blogs for business. You never know when the worst might happen and your site gets crashed or hacked. You should back up your blog content regularly so you can quickly restore it should anything bad happen.

– Bandwidth:

Blog hosting platforms are typically used to host static content, such as images and text files. Therefore, it is important to find a host that gives you ample storage space so you can store all your blog content without running out of space.

– Scalability:

As your blog expands, your hosting needs to grow with it. This means that you’re looking for a host that offers cheap prices at low hosting levels and higher prices at higher hosting levels.

Based on your needs, you’ll find one of these 5 providers

There are some factors you’ll want to take into account when choosing your provider. One of the most important factors is the reliability of your chosen provider. Make sure you choose a provider with a solid reputation and lots of satisfied customers.

Another important factor to consider when choosing your provider is the cost. You can choose a cheap provider, but you’ll end up with a host that provides poor services.

In addition, you’ll want to consider the amount of control you have over your blog. If you want to set up your blog yourself, you can choose a self-managed host. If you want a managed service, you can choose one of the following providers.

Digital Ocean

One of the cheapest and easiest-to-use options available, Digital Ocean is a great place to host your blog. It offers affordable prices and a straightforward interface that makes it easy for beginners to get started. In addition, it is one of the only providers that allows you to host an app on your server.

This makes it an ideal choice for app developers who want to test their software before releasing it to the public.

What Sets It Apart From The Competition – Digital Ocean allows you to choose from multiple operating system options, such as Ubuntu, CentOS, and Windows. It also offers a large number of storage options, including SSD and HDD. Another great feature is its built-in security features, which include data destruction, data backup, and data encryption.

What Could Be Better – Although Digital Ocean is extremely affordable, it is a shared host, which means that your server will be shared among many users. If your blog receives a lot of traffic, this could lead to slow loading times for other visitors.

Digital Ocean also offers only a single root domain option, which means you’ll have to use short and easy-to-spell-out URLs that are very uncommon in the SEO world.

Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform is another excellent option that offers scalable cloud servers at affordable prices. It also uses advanced load balancing, autoscaling, and fault tolerance techniques to ensure your blog stays online even during large spikes in traffic.

What Makes It Unique – Another great thing about Google Cloud Platform is that it offers a free trial. This allows you to test drive their platform without having to commit to a long-term contract.

What Could Be Better – One downside of Google Cloud Platform is that you have to have a Google account to use it. This means that if you don’t want to give Google access to your information, you can’t use the service.

Another possible downside of Google Cloud Platform is that it only offers single-instance servers. This means you can only run one instance of your blog on the platform at a time.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Amazon Web Services is a cloud computing service that provides a range of technologies, such as servers, storage, networking, and database services. AWS gives users access to these technologies through a single, easy-to-use interface.

What Makes It Unique – AWS is one of the most popular cloud hosting providers because it offers a wide range of services at very affordable prices. In addition, AWS offers excellent security measures, including automatic backups and data encryption.

What Could Be Better – Although AWS is an excellent choice for beginners, it does have some limitations. For example, you can only host a single blog on AWS, and it is restricted to using only 5% CPU.

Another downside is that it can be difficult to scale larger projects on AWS. You have to rely on the speed and reliability of your underlying hardware.

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure is one of the fastest-growing cloud computing platforms, offering some of the best features at an affordable price. It is built on the Microsoft data centre, which means that it has access to all of the latest technologies.

What Makes It Unique – Azure provides developers with a wide range of services, including servers, storage, database, and network services. It also provides advanced security features, such as automatic data backups and data encryption.

What Could Be Better – One downside of Azure is that it is a pay-per-use service, meaning that you have to pay for every instance that runs on it.

Another possible drawback is that it is difficult to scale large Azure projects. You have to rely on the speed and reliability of your underlying hardware.


The internet is valuable not only for providing information and entertainment but also for business communication. If your blog is a part of your business, you need to make sure that your content is accessible from anywhere, at any time.

When you choose the right host, you can ensure that your website will be available no matter what circumstances arise.

With all the options available, it can be difficult to choose the right one. This guide walks you through selecting the right provider based on your needs.

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