How To Start A Travel Blog Without Actually Traveling: Guide

How To Start A Travel Blog Without Actually Traveling

Looking for how to start a travel blog without traveling? So easy, check out this guide and apply the tips to start and grow your next successful blog!

The number of travel blogs has grown exponentially over the past few years. This proliferation means more competition than ever before, which can be a good thing. But it also means that to stand out from the crowd you’ll need to go above and beyond what your fellow travelers are doing.

There are plenty of ways to start a travel blog without actually traveling. And as long as your content is reliable and interesting to readers, you can continue updating it even once you’re back home.

[See >> How to Start a Blog: The Ultimate Guide]

Create an editorial calendar

The first step to starting a travel blog without actually traveling is setting aside time to write. If you’re the kind of person who wants to constantly be on the go, carving out time to write can be difficult.

But it’s essential to your success. Travel blogging is a truly time-consuming endeavor, and you should devote at least a few hours per day to it. Ideally you’ll want to start even earlier, while your schedule is still flexible.

If you can only write in the morning while you’re at work, that’s still better than nothing. But you’ll want to do your best to start as early as possible. By having a set writing schedule, you’ll be able to evaluate your progress more accurately. You’ll also be able to determine whether your content is meeting readers’ expectations.

Write consistently

Travel blogging is a creative endeavor that requires a lot of thought and imagination. But it’s also a journalism-based craft that requires a lot of hard work. You’ll want to think of your blog as a “creative writing workshop,” where you’re not only learning how to write, but also honing your skills.

You can only do that by writing regularly. The only exception to this is if you’re just starting out. At that point, you should take a break from your blog for a few months. While you’ll want to write even during that time, you don’t have to have travel blogging on your mind the whole time.

And after a break, you should feel more confident about your abilities.

Research your topic thoroughly

Travel blogs are often more than just lists of destinations, activities, and events. They’re usually essays that tackle big questions about the human experience.

How do we live? What does it mean to truly experience a place? These are the kinds of questions that make for great travel blog topics, and they also make for great blog topics that don’t actually involve traveling.

You can research your topic thoroughly by going beyond online searches and talking to people face to face. (If possible, go to the locations you’re writing about.) You can also look into the cultural background of your topic and other related themes. In many ways, that’s what research is all about.

It’s learning more about your topic and the people who will be reading your blog.

Find influencers who write about the same thing you do

If you’re writing about travel, then you have a good chance of attracting the attention of other travel bloggers.

That doesn’t mean you should wait for them to approach you, though. You should look for other travel bloggers who write about the same topics as you do. Then you can reach out to them and see if they’re interested in working together. This is especially helpful for topics that are niche-related.

If you’re writing about travel in a particular region, then you can easily find other bloggers writing about that same region.

There are many travel bloggers who write about a number of different regions. Then you can reach out to them and see if they’re interested in working with you.

Ask for guest posts from other bloggers

Guest posts are sometimes seen as “selling out.” While most brands and influencers understand that they need to promote their own content and create genuine connections with other bloggers, it’s not always the case.

You should never feel obligated to accept an offer to guest post. You should only accept an offer if you’re interested in the other blogger’s work and think their post would be relevant to your blog.

It’s best to keep these exchanges short. (A few paragraphs is usually enough.) While you shouldn’t feel obligated to accept, you also don’t want to come off as too standoffish. You want to appear unassuming enough that the other blogger will feel comfortable inviting you to contribute.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with new formats and techniques

Travel blogging is a truly exciting and creative endeavor. You can try out new formats and techniques and see what resonates with your audience.

This can include experimenting with different types of writing, using different media (video, podcasts), and even trying a new host (website) for your blog. What you do with your blog is up to you.

You don’t have to stick to the traditional travel blog format. You can try different formats, such as essays, lists, guides, or video. You can also try out different types of writing, such as personal essays, how-tos, or interviews.

If you’re not sure where to start, you can begin with short content that explores a single topic.

FAQs about Starting A Travel Blog

Is it too late to start a travel blog?

Starting a travel blog is a lot of work. You’ll need to set aside time to write regularly, research your topic thoroughly, and find influencers who write about the same things you do.

If you feel ready, you can start a blog without waiting. But it’s best to start as early as possible, while you have the time and energy to devote to it. If you feel ready to start a travel blog, then you can, but it’s best to start as early as possible.

You’ll have more success if you start as soon as you have a few hours a week to devote to writing.

Are travel bloggers paid?

Travel bloggers are freelancers, and most of the time they don’t get paid for their work. That being said, there are a few travel bloggers who are paid to write for specific brands or publications.

In these cases, the bloggers get paid for writing and also get free travel, accommodations, and other perks for doing so. This means that travel blogging isn’t always a win-win situation, but it’s usually worth the risk.

Should I blog or vlog?

Although travel blogs are becoming more popular, vlogs are still the most popular type of travel content out there. Vlogs take a more casual approach than traditional travel blog posts, and they’re usually just a series of short videos that are updated on a regular basis.

Vlogs can be great for illustrating certain topics or for showcasing unique experiences. Vlogs are also great for building your brand, and for sharing your personality with your readers. While you can start either a travel blog or a vlog, vlogging is easier to start and build than a blog.


Travel blogging is a challenging and time-consuming hobby. It takes a lot of effort to create engaging content that’s also accurate, and many travel bloggers don’t earn money from their efforts.

The good news, though, is that travel blogging is a great way to travel without leaving home. This article will help you get started without ever leaving your couch.

The best way to start a travel blog and travel without actually traveling is to set aside time to write, research your topic thoroughly, find influencers who write about the same thing you do, ask for guest posts from other bloggers, and don’t be afraid to experiment with new formats and techniques.

With these tips in mind, you can start a travel blog without actually traveling and make a career out of writing about your favorite hobby.

1- How To Start A Travel Blog Without Actually Traveling
2- How to Start a Travel Blog Website: A Beginners Guide
3- 9 Inspiring Travel Blog Examples For Students

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